Male Hormones Profile


Examine a comprehensive array of male hormones for a deeper understanding of fertility, sports enhancement, and other matters pertaining to hormone-related issues.

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What should I expect from the Male Hormones Profile?

The Male Hormones Profile is a comprehensive home test designed to assess the full range of male hormones. It offers valuable information about fertility, as well as hormone levels relevant to sports and testosterone supplementation.

This test specifically identifies conditions related to hormones and liver function. It examines nine biomarkers related to hormones, each playing a crucial role in various bodily functions such as growth, metabolism, appetite, and fertility. Imbalances or deficiencies in these hormones can contribute to a wide range of symptoms and conditions.

Here are the key hormones included in the Male Hormones Profile:

  1. Oestradiol: Oestradiol is a form of estrogen and the primary female hormone produced by non-pregnant women. It plays a vital role in the development of female physical features and reproductive functions. Oestradiol tests are used to evaluate ovarian functions, diagnose the causes of precocious and delayed puberty in girls, and monitor hormone replacement therapy in peri-menopausal and menopausal women.
  2. Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH): FSH is a reproductive hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. In women, it stimulates the growth and development of unfertilized eggs during the menstrual cycle, leading to the production of sex hormones like oestradiol and progesterone. In men, FSH helps stimulate the production of sperm. FSH is often tested alongside other sex hormones, such as LH, testosterone, oestradiol, and progesterone, to diagnose infertility and pituitary gland disorders in both men and women.
  3. Luteinizing Hormone (LH): LH is another reproductive hormone produced by the pituitary gland. In females, LH regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation by stimulating the ovaries to produce other reproductive hormones. In males, LH controls and stimulates testosterone production. LH tests help determine any reproductive problems.
  4. Testosterone: Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the male testes and adrenal glands in both men and women. Its production is stimulated and controlled by luteinizing hormone. Testosterone is predominantly present in high amounts during puberty in boys, contributing to body hair growth and muscle development. It also regulates the male sex drive and helps maintain muscle mass. In females, testosterone is found in smaller amounts in the ovaries. Testosterone tests are used to diagnose various conditions, including erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.
  5. Prolactin: Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary glands. Its primary role is to promote lactation (breast milk production) in women during and after pregnancy. Prolactin tests are used to diagnose infertility in both men and women, as well as menstrual problems and erectile dysfunction.
  6. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG): SHBG is a protein produced by the liver. Its main function is to bind and transport hormones like oestradiol, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone in the blood. The SHBG test is employed to diagnose testosterone deficiency in men and investigate testosterone production in women.
  7. Free Testosterone Calculation: This measurement determines the amount of free testosterone in the body. Free testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the male testes and adrenal glands in both men and women. It plays a role in regulating the male sex drive and maintaining muscle mass. The free testosterone calculation is used in the diagnosis of various conditions, such as erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.
  8. DHEA-Sulphate: DHEA-Sulphate is a male sex hormone found in both males and females. While it is mainly produced in the adrenal glands, a small amount is also produced in the male testes and female ovaries. DHEA-Sulphate helps regulate body functions like heart rate and blood pressure. It is also important in the production of sex hormones, testosterone, and estrogen. Measuring DHEA-Sulphate helps diagnose adrenal gland tumors or disorders of the testicles or ovaries.
  9. Free Androgen Index: The Free Androgen Index is a ratio used to assess androgen levels, including testosterone, in both men and women. Androgens play a role in the development of sex organs and contribute to the production of the female hormone, estrogen. The free androgen index aids in the diagnosis of various conditions, such as male infertility.

To undergo the Male Hormones Profile, you can choose to use a home test or visit one of the testing locations. The process is quick and straightforward. You take the test at home or have a trained phlebotomist collect the sample. If using the home test, pre-paid postage is provided for sending the sample back. Once the laboratory analyzes your sample, you will receive a secure link to access your doctor-validated personal results.