Viagra (Sildenafil) 4 Tablets


Cialis tablets are used to address erectile dysfunction (ED) by enhancing blood circulation to the penis, leading to firmer and longer-lasting erections. This widely recognized medication provides a convenient and efficient solution for men experiencing ongoing issues with impotence, ultimately enhancing their performance and confidence levels.

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The Viagra pill is a medication prescribed to adult men for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), which occurs when a man is unable to achieve or maintain a firm erection during sexual activity. Taking a Viagra pill has been clinically proven to enhance the ability and likelihood of attaining and sustaining an erect penis. It works by promoting the relaxation of blood vessels in the penis, thereby facilitating improved blood flow.

In addition to its primary use for ED, Viagra is occasionally prescribed for the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). This condition involves high blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs, and Viagra helps by relaxing the blood vessels in the lung area, leading to enhanced blood flow into the lungs. Consequently, this can result in an increase in exercise capacity and performance during physical activities.

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common issue, especially among men over the age of 40.

Many men experience occasional difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection, typically due to factors such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, or excessive alcohol consumption. In most cases, there is no cause for concern.

However, if these problems occur more frequently, they may be attributed to physical or emotional factors.

Physical causes Possible causes Treatment options Narrowing of blood vessels in the penis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol Medication to lower blood pressure, statins to lower cholesterol levels Hormonal imbalances Hormone replacement therapy, such as testosterone supplementation Side effects of prescribed medications Switching to an alternative medication after consulting with a healthcare professional In addition, you may be advised to make certain lifestyle changes.


  • If overweight, strive to lose weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Engage in regular exercise
  • Make efforts to reduce stress and anxiety


  • Limit cycling for a while (if cycling for more than 3 hours per week)
  • Consume alcohol within recommended limits (not exceeding 14 units per week)


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